Terms of Use
General Information...
All information and directions provided should be treated as generic guides which are intended to help you plan, measure, order and install product. Directions provided are applicable and correct for an overwhelming majority of situations - but not all. In some situations, they may need to be modified. In some situations, they may not be applicable at all. The responsibility to determine this and the responsibility to order and install items correctly rests solely on the customer. We make no guarantee, warrantee or promise of any kind that the directions (guides) we provide will work in every application. Please read and understand all information provided on this web site.
Failure to Read...
The responsibility to read all available information provided rests solely on customer. We shall not assume any liability or responsibility of any kind for incorrectly placed orders or mis-applications.
Safety Warning...
Insect screen and sunshading materials only intended use is to reasonably stop insects from entering a covered opening. The misuse of insect screen and sunshading materials may lead to injury or death. These items will not stop persons, children, animals, or alike from falling out of or entering through the insect screen or sunshading material covered opening.
Building & Safety Codes...
We make no promise, warranty, guarantee, nor do we - in any form or fashion - represent that our products are acceptable, approved and/or usable in all jurisdictions or all situations or applications. The responsibility to determine code compliancy, proper and safe application, installation and use rests solely and fully on customer.
Customer Privacy...
Information gathered by us is used exclusively by our firm to fill orders and to track sales trends. We do not sell, trade, or in any other fashion share customer information with any other business, solicitor, etc. Your email address is used as required to answer your questions or requests. All electronic files are held indefinitely.
Liability & Responsibility...
Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Connecticut Screen Works, Inc. and its employees from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees arising out of or in connection with any and all injury, including death, to any person or persons, any and all damages to or loss of any property, and any and all other damages recognized at law or in equity, caused by or resulting from in whole or in part, any act(s) or omissions, negligent or otherwise, of customer. Customer shall take no court action against Connecticut Screen Works, Inc. or its employees, should customer fail to follow common safety practices.
Intellectual Property...
The trademarks, service marks, and logos used and displayed on this site are registered and unregistered Trademarks of 4 Pat, LLC. and possibly others. Use of this Site should not be construed as granting, by implication, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Site, without the written permission of the Trademark owner. No part of this Site including, but not limited to, the names Connecticut Screen Works, Inc., Connecticut Screen Works, Connecticut Screen, ConnScreen, CTScreen, Connecticut Screen Works Screen Wall System, CSW Screen Wall System, CSW, Snapp, Snapp Screen, Snapp Screen System, Simplicity, Simplicity Screens, Premier, Premier Extrusions, as well as any logos associated with these trade names or marks may not be used in any way, including in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of materials on this Site, without prior written permission. Other product and company names may be mentioned herein and may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Questions concerning those marks, if used, should be addressed to their respective owners. All matter contained within this web site or within any CSW publication or material is considered to be intellectual property owned by 4 Pat, LLC. We aggressively enforce our intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law and will seek legal remedies against firms or persons who, without prior written permission, use or exploit our intellectual property. Those wishing to use any 4 Pat, LLC trade name(s) or logo(s) site must seek prior written approval for such use.
Requests to use or questions concerning our intellectual property should be addressed to:
4 Pat, LLC P.O. Box 3 Northford, CT 06472 - USA.
Controlling Law...
The validity, construction, and enforcement of these Terms of Use shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Connecticut. In the event that the applicable law prohibits enforcement of any section, term or part of this document, as written, then it is agreed that only the applicable section, term, or part of this document in question shall be modified to provide the maximum indemnification and relief to Connecticut Screen Works, Inc. And all other parts, sections and terms of this document shall remain in full effect. It is agreed that the State and Federal courts located in New Haven County Connecticut shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle disputed matters with respect to this document, and any and all other matters between customer and Screen Works, Inc. In all matters, the transaction between customer and Connecticut Screen Works, Inc. is agreed to have taken place in New Haven County Connecticut.